Friday, April 2, 2010

Gardening! I haven't had time to write on this blog in quite some time!  The reason is a good one...I have been busy!  I promised to post pictures of some of my latest venture...

My veggie garden includes:  tomatoes, several types of peppers, squash, cucumbers and bell peppers!
Herb pot with lots of mint (for mojitos)!!
lettuce (and we have already had two salads that were delicious)!!

tomatillos and tomatoes

And I have to dedicate this post to a very special dog...our Luke.  He lived a great life and was laying by my side as I planted all of my veggies and flowers this year during spring break...he was almost 18 years old...and was a faithful and loyal friend.  He will be greatly missed by many.  Our hearts ache because we miss him...

1 comment:

  1. Love the garden and I'm so sorry for your lose. Happy Birthday!
